Saturday, February 04, 2023
Short Pose Monday 6th and Long Pose Wednesday 8th. Exhibition Announcement.
Short Pose:
Our next short pose model is Rony Caldavid on Monday the 6th of February.
Rony is a master male model with years of experience in art academies and burlesque performance.
Followed on Wednesday evening, the 8th of February with the long pose modeled by Ewelina. The long poses afford the opportunity to paint as well as draw. Several people are using watercolors and others pastels and some easels are available.
Social Life Drawing Exhibition:
Good news. The Sotto al British have agreed to let us show our figurative works in the drawing space for 2 weeks this March. This isn’t a profit making event and the Sotto al British have kindly offered to let us have the space for a very low cost as long as the we do not require any employees of the institute to take part in the administration or maintenance of the event.
We don’t have a budget for refreshments so participants are requested to contribute wine and food for the opening and the final day of the show to share with guests and each other. Guests are also encouraged to contribute, as if you were coming to a party.
The works can hang for 2 weeks on the walls of the space but will be open for public/guest viewing for the first and last days of the show. In the meantime they will be visible to participants of private and public events which take place within the exhibition area, during the day and evenings. If you want to sell your works negotiations will be between the buyer and seller and no commission will be taken by the institute. So your contact details should be clearly listed. Labels will be organized and placed under the art before the opening.
This event is still evolving so details may change.
When: Last two weeks in March 2023
Where: In the Sotto al British
Who: Anyone who has participated in the life drawing, short or long poses, in the last 6 months at Sotto al British.
What: You can exhibit at least one drawing or painting which involves figurative work. The work can be done in this location or another but must be done by participants of the Sotto al British.
How: By reserving your place on a list of participants at the life drawing group. Just sign the list with your name, contact details, email / telephone number. How many pieces you would like to show. Approximate size of the framed work. When I know how many people are participating a decision can be made on how many pieces of art each person can show.
How Much: The cost of showing will be determined based on how many people are taking place and should be paid when the art is delivered for hanging. I’m estimating about €20 per person.
Deadline: Sign up as soon as possible but no later than the end of February. Presentation method: All pieces should be framed if they are a drawing. Paintings can be hung without a frame as long as they are on stretcher bars. All frames and stretcher bars should have a string loop or hook at the left and right side of the back of the frame/bars for a string to be hung through.
Volunteers: There isn’t a need for a lot of help with the event but anyone willing to take part should please make themselves known when they register to exhibit by placing ‘Volunteering’ beside their name when they register.
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Short Drawing Poses on the 30th of January, Florence Italy
This was a good week of drawing and some lovely pieces were produced at both the short and long drawing events. The long pose is turning into a painting group with several people doing watercolour studies. Our male model on Wednesday was pretty good, a young David and he will pose for us again this coming Monday evening on the 30th of January. Mondays are for short poses.
This Monday 30th of January, the male model will pose for: 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 minutes & finishes with 2 x 25 minute poses. This would be a good time to bring your more expressive drawing media with you. Suggested donation: €10 cash or more. Tips for the model gratefully accepted.
From 7 - 9pm.
Address: Lungarno Guicciardini, 15, 50125 Firenze.
There is no long pose this week.
See you there.
Friday, January 20, 2023
One year of Life Drawing in Florence, Italy
The first year of Florence's Social Life Drawing has been a real success. Thanks to everyone who participates. We are fortunate to have the help of two art patrons and wonderful attendees in this process. A central, warm location great lighting. Decent heating, comfortable seating and the props necessary for good poses. Thank you, to the British Institute and to John Hoenig for the support in growing this creative community.
You can find us at Lungarno Guicciardini, 15, 50125 Firenze. Ground floor entrance.
The life drawing group is not a school and there are no lessons involved. So no systems or styles of drawing are imposed. Each person does their own thing and if they are so inclined, encourages others to understand why they are drawing in a particular manner. So there is a lot of friendly discussion, banter and debate about the drawings & sketches we produce. Some participants are academically trained and just want to keep up their practice with a convenient model in a social setting while others are exploring the process of creating. At the end of the sessions people share a glass of wine together and cluster, sometimes to look at each others work or just to chat.
There are some great people who attend and then there’s me, notoriously grumpy and keeping to myself as I limp my way around the studio. Despite that I do enjoy the company of almost everyone. It’s a challenge to get people to come out of their comfort zones so I don’t try. Everyone is free to just evolve or not, as they wish.
There is no overall purpose to these drawing events but they are an opportunity to download stuff from the back of the brain and make marks on paper without an obligation to conform. So professionals and experimenters can mix easily.
Monday, every week:
The Monday evenings are every week from 7-9pm and consists of short poses. The short poses begin with a series of 1 minute poses followed by longer and longer ones, eventually working up to 2 x 25 minutes at the end. Some really dynamic pieces have come out of this and there’s a nice energy created in the process.
Wednesday, 1st and 3rd week of each month:
There is also a Wednesday evening event of long poses. This is twice per month and is for people who are more focused, drawing the model in just one position for 2 hours. Both events are brilliant and the long poses give people the opportunity to study things like the portrait, hands, feet or overall posture.
Both events have a suggested donation of €10, or more if you like and we encourage people to leave a tip for the hard working model, depending on how happy you are with the poses. Materials are not included, so bring along your favorite papers and drawing materials. There are some easels for those who want them.
Our models are both male and female and are professional. Many work for the various art schools in Florence. I’ve been inviting mostly female models because they are easier to find but after many requests I’ll be including more, reliable male models too.
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Drawing by Nele Sadlo |
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Drawing by Diane Sugalski |
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Plein Air Landscape in oil, T.J. Byrne |
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Drawing by Tom J. Byrne |
Tuesday, March 03, 2020
Born with a Silver Spoon. Health lessons from history.
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Lorenzo di Medici |

Most people have heard the expression,
“ Born with a silver spoon in the mouth ” and most assume this refers to inheritance and family wealth. It does but there's more. Why silver?
In the 14th century a plague swept through Europe killing millions of unprepared and very superstitious people. Many considered the plague a punishment from God and turned to the Roman Church for protection. Others turned to traditional knowledge.
The great patrons of the arts, the Medici moved their families out of the city away from people who might carry the plague. They self isolated. They also insisted that the family consume their food from silver vessels. Plates, forks, knives, spoons and drinking cups. Particularly the children were fed with silver spoons.
Why silver?
It has been known for centuries that silver and copper kill bacteria and virus’. Even before such things as virus’ were correctly identified people would use copper cauldrons to ‘clean’ water before drinking. Silver was used by sailors on long voyages in a similar way. Coins of silver would be deposited in the wooden flasks containing fresh water to stop it from becoming brackish. When sharpening swords Roman soldiers kept the shavings to put on wounds and protect them from inflammation.
Bronze contains a substantial amount of copper combined with tin. Today the amount is 88% copper.
Just as Brass contains 60% copper. You’ve probably noticed that a lot of door handles, key holes, letter box’s and bell rings are made of brass. It’s very pretty and it does take a lot of polishing to keep it that way. The reason for using brass at the first point of contact in a house is because it’s a form of protection against illness entering or spreading from strangers, to the people who live there. We have forgotten the reason for this over the years but the instinct to continue using brass hasn’t gone away.
The Spanish Flu
A hundred years ago a virus swept through the continents of Europe and the United States
and cemented the use of copper, brass and indeed silver as a means of protection. But one hundred years is a long time and we have developed a collective amnesia. Many have heard the words “Spanish Flu”. Few know what it refers to. The remnants and evidence are all around us and we see them everyday without consciously understanding the ‘why’.
In 1918 after the first World War a group of American Soldiers shipped over to Spain and with them brought an infection which spread silently. Because of a desire to maintain moral at the end of the war, newspapers were censored from reporting on the mysterious flu. The Spanish press wasn’t under the same restrictions and they reported the many mysterious deaths. As a result it was always referred to as the Spanish flu.
That flu as it turns out, was a Coronavirus. In the 2 years that it spread among us it killed many millions. The cause of the spread was unknown but among other things, people turned to metals as a form of defense. They continue to work today but you probably take the brass door handle or the copper basin for granted, considering it a souvenir of a distant relative.
Copper and Silver
Copper is the least expensive and easiest health giving metal to acquire. It comes in many forms, brass, bronze, even sulphates which are used to spray crops like grapes. The organic food industry uses copper sulphate to protect plants from harmful bacteria and it also nourishes the earth where it is absorbed.

Silver has no taste and works best in a moist environment, so it’s use in drinking vessels and plates is perfect but the cost is much higher than copper. Silver also oxidizes and if it doesn’t it’s because of a coating of Rhodium which acts as a barrier between the metal and the atmosphere. It also acts as a barrier between the metal and killing bacteria and virus’s. Unplated silver jewelry and other items are active protectors and these tarnish, which is why they work, They are reacting to the environment.
Though you are not aware of it’s presence nylon clothes contain particles of silver. They are so fine you cannot see them but their presence causes the clothing to resist bacteria which would normally flourish among the fabric and begin to smell very quickly after being worn. All is takes is a tiny amount to prevent this from happening. That is how effective silver is and it’s one of the reasons we are using up our silver by disposing of it in minute quantities. Unlike gold, silver is the precious metal we throw away and cannot later retrieve.
You can find information on silver as a protection against viruses here:
and as a protection against bacteria:
Hospitals and Copper
So why don’t hospitals use copper to protect their patients against superbugs?
They have begun to. Since 2012 an active campaign to introduce copper into hospitals has resulted in a huge reduction in the presence of harmful materials in the spaces where they have been tested. Our use of chemicals to combat infection has resulted in harmful proteins and bacteria mutating to stronger and more resistant strains.
Youtube has several short videos on the use of copper in hospital bed design, new plastics and doorplates that don’t require constant polishing.
- A recent article from 2020:
- Another from 2016:
- and here:

The wheels of administration move slowly but obviously we can make use of this knowledge now.
I have armed myself with silver and copper in their appropriate forms and manners. Carrying a small piece of copper, enough to wrap your entire hand around in each pocket or old copper coins (not the modern fake copper coins) gives you something to discretely sterilize them with, after shaking hands or having touched a surface.
In doing this, you protect yourself and if traces of copper remain on your hands, what you touch can be rendered safer, though you should not depend on that. There is no plastic to throw away, no need to wait for your hands to dry and the metal remains useful afterwards.
In Florence and most other cities, door handles are still made of brass but they have become oxidized over time. This is a great opportunity to bring them back to life by polishing them.

Tom J. Byrne is an artist living in Florence Italy.
An inventory of the Medici household:
About the Spanish Flu:
About the Black Death:
Life Drawing - Launching a new location in Florence Italy
On March 5th 2020, thanks to the British Institute of Florence, a new life drawing location is opening. It's a place where people who are passionate about drawing the human figure can come together every Thursday as a community and draw. We have fantastic models and a great location. A very supportive management team and it's right in the middle of Florence, alongside the Arno, near ponte Santa Trinita.

€6, glass of wine, donation to the model.
6.30pm - 8.30pm Short and longer poses.
Friday, April 20, 2018
Life Drawing locations, Florence, Italy
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drawing: Tom J. Byrne |
At the moment there are a few locations for life drawing in Florence, Italy.
Thanks to the Charles Cecil Academy, the Florence Academy and Santa Croce Arte.
These evening events occur after students of the academies and artists studios have finished their work and the studio spaces are available for non students to draw. The events are open to non professionals, people who are self teaching, graduates of the academies and people with a life long love of drawing the human form. So the range of styles and skills of those who attend varies dramatically but the passion to create is universal.
Art Cult Florence and Firenze Drawing Club organise Burlesque drawing events in the historical Cafe Giubbe Rosse in Piazza Republica. It's a once a month event but it's spectacular. The times and dates change. The cafe space is historical in the sense that it has always been a place for artists to meet and they continue the tradition to this day. For more information check the Art Cult or Firenze Drawing Club facebook pages. Here is a sample of what occurs at the events.
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drawing: Tom J. Byrne |
Below are the times, locations and costs of life drawing in Florence. The events are open to artists and enthusiastic amateurs visiting Florence and there is no membership process. No appointment is needed, just turn up. The equipment supplied includes seating, easels, the model and lighting. You provide your own drawing equipment, paper or painting tools. There is no instruction. It’s important to be very quiet when working and the sessions are usually between two and three hours long with short breaks every 25 minutes. In the middle of the session there is a long pose and this is traditionally when people pay for their participation. It’s okay to leave an additional tip for the model in a separate tip box.
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Drawing by Tom J. Byrne |
The Charles Cecil Academy.
Time and day: Every Tuesday, 7.15pm - 9pm
Cost: €5
Easels and seating available.
Note: The street numbers on Borgo San Frediano can be confusing for visitors as there are two sets. One set are in red, these are commercial address’s and the remainder are in dark blue, these are domestic address’s. Charles Cecils is dark blue. Google maps will miss direct you if you search for the address, so enter no.140 to arrive close to the correct door. When you arrive, the entrance leads directly to a long narrow stairs. At the top of the stairs turn left and the drawing studio is on the left. Arrive in plenty of time to allow yourself to get set up with seating or easel so as not to disturb the group. The poses are determined by the administrator of the academy.
The Florence Academy
Address: Via delle Casine 21/R 50122 Florence Italy
Time and day: Every Thursday, 5.30pm - 8.30pm
Cost: €2 for a half session. €4 for the full session.
Easels and seating available.
Again the street numbers are broken into red and dark blue. The studio number is in red and the entrance is a double door at ground floor level. It is generally closed so you ring the bell to gain access. Don’t arrive too early but if you are late it’s okay as the hour of 5.30 may not suit everyones work hours. Please be quiet during the drawing session. The poses are determined by the administrator.
Cultural Salon Firenze may be providing a morning or afternoon studio drawing area in the center of the city. Times and days will be added here as they occur.
Santa Croce Arte is a private Artists studio in the heart of Florence, where you will receive a warm welcome from Claudia and Gianni. It's a very large studio with many rooms. Twice a month they open their doors in the evenings and welcome guests to draw with them. It's late and very often it finishes by not finishing and people continue to chat until the wee hours over a glass of wine. The pattern of dates changes each month to accommodate the working plans of the studio. To verify the hours and dates check their Facebook page.
As a rule, there is a sketch night twice a month on Thursday with live model in the historical Piazza of Santa Croce.
Address: 19, Piazza Santa Croce, 1st floor. Door bell, press ACSIT.
Time: Confirm on Facebook.
Bring your drawing material.
Seating provided. No easels.
Cost: €10
Life Drawing is a way of learning anatomy, testing your capacity to accurately draw and dare I say, it’s a spiritual experience for the artist and the model.
Wednesday, April 04, 2018
Workshops in Florence Italy this Spring
Here are a selection of workshops for you to enjoy this Spring in Florence Italy. There's something for everyone, from oils to watercolor and urban sketching. The Florence Studio is centrally located, near the Duomo and is run by graduates of the Classical Art Academies here in Florence.
To contact The Florence Studio
Phone: +39 3891570276
Address: Borgo SS. Apostioli, 18
Simply click, to enlarge the images below
Artists Residencies in Italy

feels like a small village clustering around a large villa. This in turn is surrounded by miles of organic farmland. All owned and maintained by the same family. The hotel itself is small but in time I imagine the small cottages which guests stay in, will spread out into the vineyards and among the fields of wheat.
Not far from the main hotel, in an area unpopulated by anything other than a lilly pond and a solidly built foot bridge (reminiscent of Monets Giverny) there is a small gazebo framed by a mature weeping willow. This is the artists studio. Inspiring and in a quiet isolated place with only the sound of ducks and birds to interfere with the creative process, it’s a place of refuge for guests and artists alike who come here seeking inspiration and instruction in art.
Each month there is a new resident artist who remains in the Borgo, painting, sculpting, performing or writing. Artists have only a couple of obligations to fulfill, to exhibit their art in the hotel and to give an introduction to their art, to any guest who requests it.
The next is a magnificent residency near Rome. It’s a bit of a marathon in many ways because during the 4 days, there are hundreds of other artists who also paint but are not resident. Resident artists are given accommodation, fed, partied and shown around the town. They are generally toasted as heroes while they are there. It’s a very warm welcome in a very historical town which oozes history and more than a pinch of mystery. The town is Subiaco, in the region on Lazio. Also known as the city of emperors and saints is located 75km from Rome. It was here that Nero built his summer palace and here that Saint Benedict founded his order. The spectacular monastery is unlike any you will have seen before. Neros palace did not fare as well over the centuries but the remains of the palace can be found near the monastery.

This really is a working residency. You paint every day and it lasts for four days. Usually they give you a location to work in and request that you focus on a subject or topic and there will be other artists there too. International artists are encouraged to take part and work in media ranging from watercolors to ink, oil and drawing. At the end of the event there is a party and award ceremony in the Abbey of Saint Scholastica where the order and sponsors, judge the art works submitted. Prizes are substantial and I’m the happy recipient of two awards.
If you decide to remain after the event you will find yourself in Mount Simbruini Natural Park, the largest protected area in Lazio and one of the largest Italian Natural Parks. I’ll post more information as we move through the winter on different art events which painters can take part in while visiting Italy.
I hope this gives you a taste of what you have to look forward to.
To sharpen your artistic skills you can reserve a place with the Florence Studio to study plein air watercolor or oil painting this Spring.
Tom J. Byrne will guide you through traditional methods of painting and new methods of composing and drawing.
The list of workshops are here.
To contact The Florence Studio.
Phone: +39 3891570276
Address: Borgo SS. Apostioli, 18