I've been working late so much recently that now I can't sleep. It's 11.35 and I had to get out of bed and try to do something to make myself tired to back to sleep.
Amelie is out like a light after a really tough time on a camping holiday with the children she teaches. She looks like she didn't get much sleep. The phones had to be disconnected to let her relax. She gets school calls at 1opm regularly. I think teachers are mad.
So what happened today. Well I went to luch with a new client and saw their amazing apartment afterwards. It's in Boulevard St Germain. They are a husband and wife. She is a decorator but doesn't do Trompe L'oeil or anything like that and he owns a few restaurants in Paris. I visited one of then called, Kong when I was meeting some friends. It's an amazing place in Chatelet.
The apartment is the entire second floor of a chateau or hotel as they were called. It's hidden, like many others behind enormous wooden doors that don't give any clue to passers by of what is behind.
Previous owners had made it look very functional but the current ones want to restore it to it's previous grandure. They mentioned making it look like Versailles a few times but I don't think their budget or time frame would stretch to that. Lots of gold at any rate and cherubs etc. That's a bit of a turn off for me to be honest but they are good contacts and seem creative enough. He claims to know everyone. They spent last weekend with Leonardo DiCaprio so I guess they know a few people alright.
Here's a photo or two of the apartment as it stands at the moment. It's not a pretty sight as workmen have been gutting it.
Anyway if my leg wasn't mangled I'd go for a jog but I think I'll read instead.